
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas

©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.

Friday, August 15, 2008


...Okay, here it goes. ::nervous swallow :: In case my 5 readers were wondering why I was cranky, tired and kind of reclusive lately--it's official. I am 10 weeks pregnant and almost out of the danger zone with the first trimester, so I thought a post for making it official is due.
I am also beyond cranky, sleepy, tired and generally feeling awful, so:
If you are curious, want to talk, want updates, want to tell me horror stories about what to expect, whatever--call me or email me. There will not be updates on this blog on a regular basis, or photos or such (unless I get better and stop being cranky). I don't think anyone's curious about how many times I threw up my lunch a week, or how much these blasted jeans shrank mysteriously since last Friday, right? :) Also, since I am kind of late in the game, I'm rather sure most of my 5 readers either experienced this themselves or someone in their immediate family did--hence no need for me detailing anything. So far we're doing great and needless to say both of our families are rather thrilled. And that's what counts...

We're now returning you to your regularly scheduled programming. Big hugs to everyone!


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Madeleine said...

congratulations anna - i'm glad to hear that you and the baby are almost out of the danger zone...

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Ditto what everyone said!

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Convivialdingo said...

Wow!! Congrats! :-)

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Annamaria said...

Thanks guys; if I survive the next 3 weeks I'll be more social but right now all I want to do is get over the workday and sit on the couch and pant. Pretty pathetic.

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congradulations. A bit late, my apologies on that. Nice site BTW.


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