
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas

©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Finally some positive news from my home country!

This is very neat! I always liked that particular fresco, every time I visited the palace in which it is located in...the figure is extremely graceful and flowing, much like the Graces on the master's Birth of Venus painting or on Primavera...I'll see if I can get the actual photos for comparison from somewhere on the Net.

UPDATE: here is a link to the Hungarian article with the image of the fresco. The one in question is the second from the left: Prudentia. And here it is in English.

And here is a link to the two Botticelli paintings mentioned.


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