
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas

©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sick Of Being Sick

You know, I am sick of not being able to go anywhere over the weekends, but sit on the couch and pant.
I was running fever and feeling like crap all last weekend. Then I threw my back out while lifting a laundry basket on Sunday night and had to stay home Monday (not even being able to move around let alone dress), and still being incredibly stiff and sore and pain-filled all week and walking around like a 80-year-old-plus arthritis-ravaged crone. THEN on top of al that add an infected ingrown toenail (yes, my shoes don't exactly fit after my feet changed due to pregnancy)--and my week just about tops off.
Did I mention next week is a 3-day long staff meeting where I am supposed to to logistics and run around and make sure everyone's happy?
Yeah, right.

So to everyone whom I missed seeing this weekend that I promised I would: I am terribly sorry.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twenty Years Ago

And yet, I still remember the television images and that feeling of hope.
Freedom. It's a good reminder never to take it granted.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bloody Brilliant

Pardon the pun... We have the book although I've yet to read it. The Husband says it's excellent. I am looking forward to the next installments (yes, there are more, as the article above assures us).
Yay for regency romances redone as bloody mayhem. Lace, parasols, passion, blood and guts--what else do you need?