Dr. Ramos...

Ladies and gentlemen, it is official: she got the blue folder Sunday May 14, 2006. AWESOME!
She's currently vacationing in Scotland with her hubby on a well deserved two-week absence. Wish her sunshine!
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas
©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.
Tooo busy, back from trip, working like a mad dog to catch up. Somehow, when I am on vacation everything seems to be put on hold, with the magic 'let's just wait until she returns and then she will have eaxtly five minutes to achieve what should have been done a week ago...' principle firmly observed. I am sure most of you are familiar with it, Dear Readers.
Well, The Husband and I will be off to the Kalamazoo Medieval Congress this afternoon, so blogging probably will be nonexistent, unless I can log in via wireless from one of the hotels along the road or from the WMU campus. We are looking forward to this roadtrip... Hopefully we will not encounter too much road construction this time: to that end, we plan to avoid Chicago altogether and go the Oklahoma-St. Louis-Indianapolis-due north route that was recommended by someone who does this on a regular basis.