After a fun little interlude that saw us stuck in Milwaukee due to some thunderstorms overnight, we made it to Kalamazoo this morning, missing two sessions but reunited with some old friends. The campus, as usual, is pretty, Spring has just started here, the trees are in bloom, the swans are nesting by the pond, and thank you very much, we already spent more on books than we wanted too. I broought the camera, so might take some shots and post them in later.
This wireless thing on campus is fun--the only drawback is that it does not work in the doormrooms, so you need to sit in the public lounge. But then again, there's always peoplewatching, so yay.
Waiting for our evening session to start and then possibly visiting some place where food to be had. Yay!
The session I am chairing is tomorrow, and The Husband's paper is on Saturday. Will chronicle.