It was good. Although planned to spend it sans husband, he stayed in town as flights he wanted to utilize for standby travel to DC to visit his grandma were all sold out. Watching the travel craziness that ruled over this weekend, I am glad he stayed. He'd probably be stuck in Miami or somewhere worse. I hope all of my Dear Readers who traveled during this holiday are home safe.
Dinner was spent with friends. My turkey recipe I originally planned to make went out the window as the grocery store did not have any quality oranges at all, and thus my orange glazed turkey had to be scrapped. It was a rosemary-garlic crusted creation instead, rubbed with 1 cup butter in which the aforementioned spices were gently sauteed ahead of time. The stuffing was a honey-sunflower cornbread dressing wirth prunes, pears, rainines and assorted vegetables; i made the cranberry sauce from scratch. Maple glazed vegetables completed the menu--those went first...mmm...
The pumpkin pie did not set, unfortunately...I tried a new recipe and next time I'll have to leave in the oven longer, no matter what the recipe says. It was good, nevertheless, we just called it 'pumpkin dessert'. :-)
In other news, go and see 'National Treasure', please. Geeks as heroes. Yay.