Labels: food
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas
©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.
Labels: food
Well, back in ol'Texas. Flew in Sunday, got in as thunderstorms swept through the metroplex, promptly got stranded on tarmac for a while, got out of airplane, was informed airport locked down again due to lightning, waited for luggage for 40 minutes, airport opened up for about 10 minutes, enough to load SOME of the suitcases, but, of course, mine was NOT ONE OF THEM. Stormed out of airport with tense husband justifiably angry on my stubbornness in not realizing the fact that AA will NOT magically produce my suitcase from a hat and refusing to go and ask WHEN they would do so low blood sugar due to lack of nutrition since noon (flight landed around 530) had something to do with my lack of springing to action, (she said sheepishly)...
Greetings from the little coffee shop of Valley One at Western Michigan University! I am siting here with a cappucino and an Italian cherry soda trying to convince The Husband's spiffy laptop I have on loan to actually type all the characters I tap on the keyboard. The battle is still raging.
Well, it is Friday evening, I am wireless and alone in the student lounge in Britton Hall--for some reason people seem to think the only place you can get wireless service is the lobby, or else they jut did not realize this lounge exists, every time I come in here it is totally empty...Anyhow, reception is less patchy in the evening than in the morning. Had some good sessions yesterday, some not so good ones today. Already bought books, woe me! I will make another round tomorrow morning, so if anyone has some special requests, leave it in the comments (certain people living in houses net to me come to mind...) :-)
Sitting at Grand Rapids airport, waiting for my ride to arrive on her plane from Boston. We are heading to Kalamazoo, to the yearly medieval conference-pilgrimage, and even though one of my sessions as an organizer totally fell thorugh, I still have a presentation Thursday and a roundtable on Sunday. Between those two, I will probably look at books a lot, sit by the little lake, watch the swans and, courtesy of The Husband's wireless laptop, connect to the 'Net and post and email; and work on my story in a quiet lonely setting. Almost like a retreat, ormini-vacation. Okay, people usually do not take vacations in Kalamazoo, Michigan, especially not stuck on a university campus for four days, but hey, there are worse parts of th universe being stuck at. So, at the moment, I am enjoying free wireless here at gerald Forn Int'l Airport, then, hopefully, there will be some food in my future when my pal Amy arrives.
Well, blimey. My long silence on this blog? It is because, yet again,. the blasted (literally) big toe on my right foot stroke again...rendering me painful and hopping all over the place since last Thursday. This time my doc decided just to get the entire toenail off...if this thing keeps hurting like it does, I call him and ask to just chop the toe off and be done with it. The painkiller he gave me this time (mmmm,drugs) was A-OK through the weekend, then I think I got used to it or something because I had a really bad reaction to it Tuesday s o now I am just taking the usual Ibuprofen which only goes so far.