Reading For Today
Read this on The Anchoress and it really cheered me up. Good stuff, even though I am not a Catholic and thus I do not share some of her practices and doctrinal beliefs.
...gonna kick the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight... musings of a hungarian in texas
©2003 by Annamaria Kovacs. All contents of this blog are the property of the author. Use with written permission only.
Read this on The Anchoress and it really cheered me up. Good stuff, even though I am not a Catholic and thus I do not share some of her practices and doctrinal beliefs.
My stepmom's mother passed away this morning, after a long illness. May God have mercy on her soul.
The Husband survived the vampires and the bears, and rolled into my dad's apartment tonight (Local time) from their Transylvania trip. He's exhausted and sunburned, but full of stories. There will be updates on his blog as soon as he's web-near, which is tomorrow morning.
Here's another trip down memory lane, at least for me, while waiting, listening and remembering old and new memories:
Have a good Friday.
Well today is St. Anna's day--in Hungary, where we celebrate name-days, this would be mine (name days are BIG where I come from). My dad called me today in the morning, very thoughtfully not at 0600 when he usually does but an hour later (I was up and cleaning the catbox, incidentally...) wishing me all good things and telling me how sweet his grapes are at the lake house, plus his car woes with The Boat (a Ford Focus European stationwagon) that has died AGAIN last week due to heat exhaustion of the engine cooling system. I better look out when next time Rudy sits on my chest...
So I got up this morning to find a little gift that Mr. Rudy the 19-year old cat left in the guest bathroom. Well, it was not that little. It was large, extensive, liquid and smelling something awful. Enough said, right?
I am re-listening to songs I always liked but when first I listened to them my English was not suffcient yet to really appreciate the words. Now, for one reason or another, they still resonate with me.
The Husband is off to Transylvania: it is past 0500 Tuesday morning there and I just hung up with him (status: WAY too sleepy and miserable due to heat and prospect of even warmer weather over there). Should be quite an adventure: him driving, with his archaeologist friend and his 7 years old son, and a historian buddy, in a Suzuki Swift, which is NOT big car(and as far as I can tell, the European model does not come with an A/C either). Hopefully they have a map...It will be interesting to see if the cell phone he has with him will work so he can radio in to my dad at least. Whee!
You know you work in a cool place when you get on the weekly conference call and the first question one of the managers asks is 'Well, did you read the Book?" Which then results in five minutes of discussion who did and who did not, what do we think and who went with their kids to the midnight party to stand in line...
Finished last night around midnight: about twelve hours, punctuated with some breaks for eating, ardening, bathroom, etc. Not bad, considering it's not my native language- I think I am up to my reading speed I have in Hungarian with English now, provided I like what I read.
So I looked up from this book around Page 179 slightly dazed, realizing that I have not eaten since that bowl of cereal with The Lemur and his Cupcake several hours before...and moved the theater of operations (i.e. the book and myself) to the kitchen to concoct a quick lunch that goes well with both the humidity and the undoubtedly DARK tone of this volume. This is what I came up with:
Labels: food
This morning, after I had the oil changed in Squishy the alien car. No lines, no crazed kids high on sugar, no nothing. Just walked in, smiled at the nice girl behind the local B&N's customer service desk, told her I had a reserved copy, and she handed me one. Since it looks like it's going to rain any second now and I cannot continue lawnmowing, I'll just make do with some tangerine soda, the couch in the sunroom and Book 7. i had about 10 pages of it this far, so no telling, but gosh, it's dark.
Well, last night, after the mushroom sandwich I promised myself, and the fresh cherries, I still craved something as a comfort food ending for the day, and since I was trolling Nigella's How To Eat? for recipes anyway, I decided to give a try to her Risotto Style Rice Pudding, which was very similar to how I make rice pudding anyway.
The cats did NOT wake me up at 0500 this morning insisting that it is 0600 and I really, really had to feed them, as they did every night before (including once at 0300). Woo-hoo! Maybe I can even sleep in until 0700 tomorrow, since it is Saturday????
As it seems everybody is awaiting the release of the last Harry Potter book, I am trolling the blogosphere for good reading that is NOT spoiling how the series will end (for those who did not peg me as a HP reader, I came to the series late, but willing and learned to rather like it). I came across this essay which meshes up rather well with how I think about one of the most controversial figures of the series (and my personal favorite) Severus Snape. I have my theory about how the seventh book will turn out, and it is not a pretty ending, but I think it is the correct one (in line with the central themes of the previous ones, that is, that great sacrifices must be made in order for good to prevail). I am curious to see whether I am right and after Saturday I'll let you know, my dear five readers...:-)
I just got a very sweet email from The Husband, who is visiting my auntie and uncle's for lunch, and all of them crowded the computer, resulting in a four-person email to me, a couple of lines from him, from my aunt, my cousin and my uncle. It was very cute...they are eating this chocolate cake really fast before it melts, as it is 105 there right now. Yes, Budapest got our weather for this week, it seems, as DFW only boasts a meager 93 today.
This for The Husband, who is overseas...:-) The Imp ion the iPod is strangely appropriate sometimes...
Darn, I am craving Nigella Lawson's portabella mushroom sandwich from "How To Eat" something fierce! And it is 3:40 and I am at work.
Labels: food
While I am by myself for two weeks, while I am percolating the story I am writing currently and all the changes it will have to go through (part of it due to my recent visit back to Budapest), I am listening to music...I always have my best ideas either while traveling and looking at the landscape, or while listening to music; the combination of rhythm, words and melodies helps to give birth to ideas that until that particular moment were just formless clouds in the back of my mind. I am an image-oriented writer--I see images, scenes, faces, actions very vividly and quite often I start to write without knowing where it will end or even who these people are. But apart from two or three times, I did not start stories out of dreams; I very rarely have dreams that vivid (like I said, maybe two or three, and those stories are still unwritten. Well, one of them is partially done.)
For those who care--I am back in the US, after an adventurous journey into Hungary to see my dad, my sister and my 4 month old nephew, Martin Attila. It was an eventful trip with too much happening, and I need some time to rest and gather my thoughts so I can get some chronicling done. The Husband is still there, finishing his 3-week course of intensive Hungarian ending his stay with a weeklong trip to Transylvania.
Well, if everything plays right (including British Airways which had some things to worry about lately...) we'll be off to Hungary today. While I'll be back in two weeks, The Husband will stay until August 2nd to study Hungarian in an intensive 5-days-a-week course (as he's so fond of saying:' so that I can finally talk to my wife in her own language without her having to indulge me...' ). Blogging will be intermittent at best.
Villanelle For Our Time-Leonard Cohen-From his album Dear Heather
So we visited with friends over the wekend, combined with a totally awesome feast of grilled salmon, catfish, shrimp and buffalo burgers (yes, we were excessive, but since we won't be in town over the 4th, I figured, what the heck)... and as a treat, we were served the movie Bridge to Terabithia after the meal.
For once, not only here in Texas but apparently at home too. I spoke my sister today, and she warned me that the weather over there is almost exactly as here: relatively hot and steamy when sunny, then sudden and fierce downpours occur daily. As we are getting ready to embark on our yearly Hungary trip, this little warning was very much welcome. I know now to pack exactly the way as if I was just taking a hop to Houston...